
Chalazions & Styes

What is a chalazion?

A chalazion is a swollen bump on the eyelid. Our eyelids contain many oil glands, and these glands can become clogged. At first, you might not know you have a chalazion as there is little or no pain. As it grows, your eyelid may get red, swollen, and sometimes tender to touch. A large chalazion can press on your eye and cause blurry vision. In some instances, the whole eyelid might swell.

Certain people are more at risk for the development of chalazion. For example, patients diagnosed with blepharitis or rosacea tends to get them more frequently. If you’ve had one before you are also more likely to develop one in the future. 

A chalazion is first treated with warm compresses and gentle massage. Dr Szeles may prescribe you an antibiotic and/or steroid ointment as well. On rare occasions a chalazion may need to be surgically drained, which would be completed in the office under topical anesthesia. Please note, eyelid procedures are never completed at the time of initial evaluation. 

What is a stye?

A stye is a red painful bump along the eyelid margin that starts at the base of an eyelash. It is typically caused by a bacterial infection. Patients with blepharitis are predisposed to developing these bumps. They are typically red, tender to touch, and may be associated with purulent discharge.

Although different from a chalazion, styes are treated in a very similar way. See above for more information.

What else can it be?

There are numerous conditions that can lead to bumps or irritation of the eyelids. We will be happy to provide a thorough examination at your convenience.